HR East is a team of experts who provide HR services to polish enterprices. Our business core is recruiting people from eastern countries and hire them via our agency to work for our clients. We have a pleasure to cooperate with plenty reputable companies in Poland and the rest of Western Europe.
Why us?
Our main office is located in Cracow but we also have our own branch offices in Ukraine which allows us to recruit candidates with the best required skills in the shortest possible terms. We focus on quality so we offer a quarantee that every single candidate will meet our clients expectations – otherwise we refund all the costs.

Our structure
We belong to International HR Group, which operate on the international HR market since 1999. Diversified activities of this HR group members allow us to satisfy even the most demanding customers.
Employer part
Our services
Recruitment service is a perfect solution for clients who need a support with finding a proper candidate, whom they plan to hire in their company.
Our Coordinator will help you to describe your staff expectations and then manage the whole recruitment process. We also help with all the paper work connected to visa and work permitt.
We will supply employees to your company for any agreed time. We also take over employer’s obligations and take care of financial settlements with employees. This solution reduce labour costs and your valued time.
Responding to your needs we can also built a team dedicated to work for your company. Our employees are able to work in your place or from the eastern countries. This solution reduce labour costs by even 50%. This one is also recommended to IT companies.
Employee part
Szukasz pracy? Aplikuj do nas!
Dzięki współpracy z renomowanymi firmami, pomożemy Ci w wyborze najlepszego miejsca pracy.
Prześlij swoje CV na adres: east@polskihr.pl
Шукаєте роботу? Звертайтеся до нас!
Завдяки співпраці з престижними фірмами, ми допожемо Вам у виборі найкращого місця роботи.
Ми пропонуємо легальне працевлаштування і допомогу в отриманні необхідних документів.
Зв’яжіться з нами:
Тел.: +48 500 188 212
e–mail: east@polskihr.pl
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